Where do I place my order?
If your agency orders directly from NTFB, your order needs to be placed in Agency Express (sometimes abbreviated as "AE" or "AE3"). You can access Agency Express here.
How do I get set up as a user in Agency Express?
Your agency will receive online ordering access information before or immediately after your orientation. If you would like to add users, please submit a ticket with the name of the user (including the email address), agency name, and agency number(s).
Who should be set up as a user?
We recommend that your agency director, pantry manager or food contact person, and your cook (if applicable) be set up as users. There is currently no limit on number of users per agency.
Why am I unable to log into Agency Express?
Please ensure you are using the correct username, password, and program code when attempting to log in. If you are unsure of your login informatoin or need to set up a user account, please submit a ticket with your full name, email address, agency name, and agency number(s).
Can I add something to my order after I have submitted my cart?
Yes. As of 11/1/2021, agencies should no longer place multiple orders for the same delivery/pickup date. Instead, you should modify the existing order by clicking on the pencil icon under "Order Management" in Agency Express. You will have the ability to add items, adjust quantities, and delete items as long as the order does not show as "Released". Please remember that every time you make a modification that you will need to resubmit your cart to push the changes through. If any modifications need to be made to an order once it has moved into the "Released" stage, please submit a ticket to the agency service desk.
When will I be notified of my order status?
After ordering through the online shopping system, you will be emailed an acknowledgment letting you know that your order request has been received by the food bank. Approximately 24-36 hours before your pickup or delivery date, you should receive another email stating that your order has been processed. At that time, you may check the order management component of the shopping system for your order status that will say “Released.” If you have any questions, you may contact the agency service desk through this portal or via email at agencyservicedesk@ntfb.org.
When is my order due?
Your order must be submitted no later than the close of business (5pm) three business days before your scheduled delivery time or your chosen pick-up date. See the table below for specific examples.
Monday | Wednesday of the previous week |
Tuesday | Thursday of the previous week |
Wednesday | Friday of the previous week |
Thursday | Monday |
Friday |
Tuesday |
Saturday | Tuesday |
Please keep in mind that because Saturdays are not business days for our warehouse, the order deadlines for Fridays and Saturdays will be the same. If you ever have any questions about order deadlines, please feel free to submit a ticket.
NOTE: If you are a Food4Kids (F4K) site, please be advised that the processing period is different for your program. To view F4K-specific information, please check our our article for F4K ordering.
How far out can I place an order?
The ordering calendar in Agency Express is opened ten days at a time. If the date you are needing your order ready is more than ten days out from the date you are trying to place your order, you will not be able to schedule that order until the calendar opens up for the requested date.
NOTE: As of 1/1/2024, the ordering window has been reduced to ten days. Over the past year, we’ve evaluated our current ordering process and received feedback from our partner agencies regarding inventory discrepancies at the time of ordering and fulfillment. We took all the testing and agency feedback into consideration when making the change. The ten day ordering window will allow all agencies to have access to our inventory for a full business week (Monday through Friday), which will reduce the number of days that an order is left open and unfulfilled before processing. This should also reduce inventory discrepancies at the time of fulfillment.
What if I didn’t place my order in time?
If your order was placed after the processing deadline for the selected delivery/pickup date, either the agency service desk or your CPR representative will contact you with your options. Usually you will be given the option to change the shipment date, cancel the order, or expedite the order (if possible). Please be advised that fees will apply to expedited orders and that there may be a chance that we cannot fill everything on an expedited order.
What happens if I need to modify/cancel my order after the order due date?
If any changes need to be made to an order after the order is due, please submit a ticket to have your request reviewed. Please be advised that these changes may be subject to convenience fees if we are able to accommodate the request.
Why am I unable to place an order?
There could be a few different reasons why a particular agency is unable to place an order; however, the first thing to check would be if your monthly report for the previous month has been submitted. As of 11/1/2021, NTFB has moved to online reporting within Agency Express. These reports are due on the fifth of the month; if reports have not been submitted on time, your ordering capability may be locked until this report is submitted. If you have submitted your report but are still unable to place orders, please submit a ticket so we can look into what may be causing the issue.
How often is the shopping list updated?
The shopping list is represented in real-time, so items and quantities can change as often as every three minutes. You must refresh the online page in order to see the real-time status of a product. Remember, items are on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on the number of orders, some items may be out of stock by the time an agency’s order is processed.
Do you process orders on holidays or holiday closures?
No, we do not process orders on holidays or days we are closed. Notices will be posted on Agency Express in advance of holiday or other expected closures. This will allow everyone time to plan orders while taking closures into account. If the food bank is closed on one of the days you have allowed for processing, the order will be late and you will have to choose whether to modify the shipment date, cancel the order, or expedite the order (if possible). Please be advised that fees will apply to expedited orders.
What time am I able to pick up an order that was scheduled for pickup?
Our agency pickup area is open Monday through Friday between the hours of 7am-11:30am and 12pm-3:30pm. If the NTFB warehouse is closed for any reason (including holidays and inclement weather), the agency pickup area will also be closed.
Who do I contact when my order is late?
In the event that your delivery order has not arrived, please submit a ticket with your contact information and specific information about the order in question. That will help us see exactly what time your order was scheduled for delivery and provide a more accurate estimate of expected arrival time.
Why can I not add an item to my shopping cart when it says there is quantity on hand?
There could be a few reasons why this may happen, but the most common cause is that the consume-by date of the item will be reached prior to the requested shipment date. If you experience issues adding items and want to know why, please submit a ticket and we will review the item in question.
Why is the accepted quantity less than the original quantity I originally ordered?
There could be a few reasons why this may happen, but the most common cause is that the consume-by date of the item will be reached prior to the requested shipment date. If you experience issues adding items and want to know why, please submit a ticket and we will review the item in question.
What should I do if I was invoiced for an item and I didn't receive it?
Please be advised that the agency/site coordinator should verify the order is correct when the product is delivered/picked up if at all possible. In the event that an item was invoiced and not included in your order, please submit a ticket with as much information as possible. We will then begin reviewing the order to see if a credit memo will be the best solution for this situation. Please be advised that credit memos must be submitted within three business days of the order being delivered or picked up as per the agency guidebook and partner agreement.
What should I do if I received an item that was not on my invoice?
If you receive something unexpected or incorrect in your order, please submit a ticket with as much information as possible. We will use that information to investigate what happened and what can be done to correct the issue.